Online Safety
Staying safe online and learning to become responsible digital citizens is an important skill to learn and is embedded in our computing curriculum and PSHE at an age appropriate level. To find out more about keeping your child safe online follow the link to the CEOP site here.
Keep up to date with the latest e-safety updates from #WakeUpWednesday.
Check out and download the free online safety guides for parents, carers and children in the below:
Talking to your child about online sexual harassment
Follow the link below to Dame Rachel de Souza DBE, The Children's Commissioner's recently published guidance document on Supporting parents around sexual harassment.
Online Safety Videos
It's never easy to know how to keep our children safe when they aren't with us, and sometimes even when they are, if we don't know what's happening in their lives or on their devices!
Who are they talking to, what are they doing, are they okay? If you need help to find some answers, don't despair the Parent Safe website has lots of useful information, and take a look at the 'Undressed' song below.